


Big Siblings and Shining Stars bring kids, volunteer big siblings, and families together. When children are affected by serious illness in the family, things just aren’t the same anymore. Volunteer Big Siblings give the children extra attention, friendship, love, and social activities that the sick child and their own siblings are so thirsty for. 

Shining Stars is a premier after-school social program of weekly activities for Chai Lifeline children and their siblings. It’s a much-needed change for them, and to have something fun to look forward to each week with other children.

  • Logo/Name displayed on all promotional materials (website, social media and community outreach)
  • Logo/Name displayed on signage, screens in the lobby and inside the hall
  • Acknowledgment from Executive Director during speech at the event
  • Recognition of sponsorship in the ad book with full page ad
  • 10 reserved seats in the hall
  • Meet & Greet with Yohay Sponder after the show
  • A cloud with your name will be displayed as part of the “Dreamscape” exhibit at our event.