Although public health insurance covers the cost of medication for inpatients, families are responsible for the cost of medication once they return home. This can pose significant financial difficulty for parents whose children are not eligible for government assistance or covered under private benefit plans. Sometimes, the only medication that will work for a child is not covered by private or public benefit plans. And for lower-income families, even relatively inexpensive medication can cost more than they are able to afford.
Parents of children with chronic illness are faced with the harsh reality that they are unable to control the illness that their child has been diagnosed. One of the options to ease the suffering of these children comes in the form of highly priced medical treatments. Some parents are fortunate enough to have medical insurance that will cover such high costs. However many are not so fortunate and simply don’t have the financial means to ease the intolerable pain that their child is experiencing.
Aaron’s Apple helps families bridge the financial gap so that they will not have to deny their children necessary medical treatments and patient amenities due to lack of funding.
and that every parent has the right to raise their child in a dignified manner.
Aaron’s Apple’s primary goal is to help families cope with overwhelming medical costs. As the costs of delivering healthcare rises, the ability of families to afford the appropriate and necessary healthcare diminishes. This places enormous stress upon families. In their time of need, Aaron’s Apple helps families pay for expensive medication and treatments.
No child should ever have to suffer in pain, and no parent should ever have to watch their child suffer because they cannot afford to pay for treatment.
To the wonderful staff of Aarons Apple, Thank you for your financial support and assistance with providing the funds necessary to pay for my son’s Trillium costs. As a mother watching her son struggle daily with Chron’s Disease, it is heartbreaking and I cant thank you enough for your help. All the best,
Telephone: (647) 430-5933
Email: [email protected]
300A Wilson Ave.
Toronto, Ontario, M3H 1S8
Phone: 647.430.5933
Fax: 416.628.1597
4900 Jean Talon Ouest, #220 Montreal, Quebec H4P 1W9
Phone: 514.667.7041
1 (800) 556-6238
[email protected]
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At Chai Lifeline Canada we are passionately devoted to alleviating the burden of those facing medical challenge. From the moment of diagnosis, through the arduous months and years, in good times and bad, Canadian families have discovered that Chai Lifeline Canada is a friend for life.
Chai Lifeline Canada. Fighting Illness with Love.
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