It’s all smiles to the finish line at this years Miami Marathon. Pictured L-R Beth & Vered – 1/28/2018
To some the age old saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” may be a cliche. However, when I look at the picture of myself crossing the finish line at the Miami marathon this year it is far from a cliche. The image that I see truly sums up what Chai Lifeline and Team Lifeline are all about – supporting someone in need with loving kindness.
This is my second year running the Miami marathon for Chai Lifeline. Although I really enjoyed the first year that I participated in 2016, this year’s experience was very special. As I prepare to return home, my heart is filled with an abundance of love and fulfillment. I spent the weekend with my husband Ilan Dahan and close friends getting to know the special people of Chai Lifeline. The parents, children, staff, volunteers, and runners each make Chai Lifeline such an incredible organization.
I want to share with you the story of my finish line photo. I came to the marathon ready to run the race. I am a pretty active individual. I have five small children so it is impossible not to be active! Throughout most of the marathon I was doing well, running at my pace and mostly enjoying time with my husband and friends. Around the 9th mile my right knee began to hurt. I tried to push through the pain but it was becoming progressively worse.
I was blessed to be running with a special friend Vered Haiun, my soul sister. Just to give you a bit of background, Vered was running in memory of her beautiful sister in law Caroline who passed away last year. Vered is a Posture Alignment Therapist (one of several of her talents!) and she saw right away that I wasn’t doing well. She insisted that I lean on her until we reached the finish line together. When we finally got closer to the end she told me to jump on her back and she carried me the rest of the way.
The selfless, loving act that Vered did for me truly embodies what Chai Lifeline is really about. Throughout our run together she stopped to help runners in pain and continuously cheered on all of the runners we passed.
When I look at this picture of me on my special friend’s back I am in awe. They are just so beautiful. Ending the marathon that way was from Hashem {G-d}. She carried me and her team name was Carrie On! Just incredible!
My marathon experience reminded me of why I was really there. As a busy mom it is fantastic to come stay in a beautiful hotel in Miami and spend the weekend with great people. As a runner it is amazing to make great time and run with speed and ease. But that is not what Chai Lifeline is all about. From Chai Lifeline and the marathon I have learned true Ahavat Israel {“love for one’s fellow Jews”} and the care and love we should give to one another especially in the most trying times. That is what I am filled with after this weekend.
Over the past few months I had moments of fear and trepidation. Would I be ready to run the marathon by race day? Would I reach my fundraising goal? I am blessed that I was able to accomplish both and with Hashem’s help next year I will reach even higher. Thank you Chai Lifeline for making this journey so special for me. ??
The lesson of the day, despite all fears and perceived limitations…
Always “Carrie On”?
Wonderfully written….what an inspiration!