Chai Lifeline Restores Hope.
As I reflect on the essence of my work as a case manager at Chai Lifeline, I have begun to see
myself as a flag-bearer of hope. Almost daily, I encounter families who have had life- altering
illnesses threaten the positive way with which they have lived. The frightening prognoses, the
statistical chances that medication will work or the devastating news that there are no more
treatments available, are the type of news that many Chai Lifeline families encounter regularly.

Rifky Blau (L) featured with cancer warrior and 2 time survivor Allison.
This is the type of setting where case managers at Chai Lifeline begin our important work of
infusing hope. We visit homes and hospital rooms and provide reasons and purpose whilst
giving children and their families something to look forward to. HOPE is the pulse of Chai
Lifeline. We believe, that by giving children who are ill something to look forward to, we impact
their mental and physical health and restore the bright smiles of childhood dreams.
Chai Lifeline children look forward to our monthly family events. They count down the days to their time at Camp Simcha and check the calendar to make sure they do not miss reunions and weekend retreats. The weekly time with Big Brothers and Big Sisters and plans they make with their volunteers encourage children and their families to look forward and plan for the future.
Chai Lifeline children wake up everyday wondering if it is Tuesday yet? No one wants to miss
their program at Shining Stars! And as we plan for our summer camp, we remind children who
are in the hospital of all fun and joy that is around the corner. One Chai Lifeline warrior told me
yesterday that he has already picked out the shorts and T-shirt he will wear for his first day at
Camp Lifeline.
Hope is having something to look forward to and using that energy to propel yourself through
difficult times. Chai Lifeline provides the reasons for children to keep dreaming and for parents
to keep planning.
We buy tickets to concerts that are months ahead and help children plan their upcoming birthday parties, all with the mission of restoring the hope that illness strips away. Annual Disney trips each winter remind children who are suffering that princesses await them and that they will not continue to miss out on their childhood.
And just when I thought my job could not get any better, a child who is very sick told me,
“Know what I want to be when I grow up? A Chai Lifeline person :)”.
Rifky Blau RSW, is a Registered Social Worker and Hospital Services Coordinator for Chai Lifeline Canada.
For tickets to our Annual Gala, Restoring Hope, please visit