Hi, I’m Chevy the Montreal Volunteer Coordinator.
This blog is for each and every one of my volunteers because without them there would be no me!!
Volunteers are the heart of Chai Lifeline, they are the ones that make everything we do possible, they choose to give of their time their love and amazing energy, and that’s something money can’t buy.
In general most people that decide to volunteer are bound to be great, but what I find here at Chai lifeline Montreal we attract a specific personality. The one thing everyone has in common is a warm friendly nature which enables them to not only “click” with any child they are paired with but with all the other volunteers as well and to me that’s everything!
Nothing gives me more joy then watching volunteers in action, from playing with our kids to loading/unloading cars, photography, tutoring, and hospitals visits. The kids that now call their volunteer “brother” what more can I ask for. We have come a long way in 5 years and is beautiful to see the growth not just in numbers but in dedication and loyalty.
It is fascinating to me that everyone person that comes our way has something unique to offer and that’s what make our perfect team.
Chai Lifeline offers endless amount of services, and therefore there is always something/somehow to get involved.
I take pride in the friendships the volunteers we have formed regardless stage, age or back round. Great people coming together to do great things! I am in awe of the goodness people have, watching them is what gives me the drive to give more. I love the bonds our volunteers have towards their families and Chai Lifeline. Seeing young adults give so much of themselves purely because they want to has blown me away. They make me proud to be part of the team I am truly honored and forever indebted that they chose Chai lifeline!
The dedication and hard work of Chevy Freund has made Chai Lifeline Montreal a complete success!!!!