In the timeless words of Ryunosuke Satoro, “Individually we are one drop, but together we are an ocean.”
I’ve worked in a public corporation, a major Toronto software company, and a Toronto charity that raises $60M annually. Each one claims that teamwork is what sets them apart from everyone else. Yes, working in a team at those organizations is amazing. However, at Chai Lifeline Canada, my fellow colleagues and our astonishing volunteers live and breathe teamwork. Nowhere else have I seen similar dedication and commitment to an organization’s vision that is embodied by everyone involved.
While I was away on my honeymoon, my colleagues Craig, Orly, Rifky and Sonya all stepped up to help on top of their full workloads. I cannot thank them enough for making my return so smooth. What is unique at Chai Lifeline is that our volunteers emulate this as well. Our volunteers Kim Smiley and Shaun Bernstein joined forces to record, write and share 10 stories of our Warriors and their struggles for The Empathy Effect in honour of our 10th Anniversary. This project was a big success in bringing more awareness to Chai Lifeline.
When I thanked my team and volunteers for their efforts they all replied with the same response, “It’s all for the kids!”. It is amazing to see how dedicated everyone involved with Chai Lifeline Canada is, in achieving our goal of giving our Warriors and their families all the love and support they need to overcome their challenges. No matter how big the task, it is always achieved because we truly are one family.
If you are interested in getting more involved with Chai Lifeline, I would love to hear from you. You can contact me directly at [email protected].