Registration Is Closed.
Event at Capacity

  • Child: 2 And YoungerChild: 3 - 12 Years OldYoung Adult: 13 - 17 Years OldAdult: 18 - 64 Years OldSenior: 65+
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    Please let us know your choice of time you would like to attend. Please select as many as your available for. We will do our best to accommodate.
    PLEASE KEEP IN MIND: We will do our best to provide you with a volunteer, but we cannot guarantee.
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    Full permission is granted to Chai Lifeline Canada and it’s representatives to photograph any child/teen, and to use, publish, and release for publication any photos taken at this event.
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    Use computer mouse or finger to sign
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    Please type the first and last name of person who signed
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    DD slash MM slash YYYY

