Together we can make great miracles happen here.

At Chai Lifeline Canada, we know that illness impacts not just the person who is sick, but their entire family. For 15 years, Chai Lifeline Canada has given thousands of families concrete services and emotional support that enables patients, siblings, and parents to find hope and joy in their lives.

Our programs and services take care of everything from the day-to-day, like help getting to doctors’ appointments and hot meals when children are hospitalized, to the extraordinary, like medically supervised overnight camps that give children confidence, courage, and life skills they need to fight illnesses.
We are excited to share Miracles for Life Chai Lifeline Canada’s Chanukah giving campaign in time for those last 2020 donations to be made. With funding greatly impacted due to COVID-19, our programs and services are at risk and we humbly ask for your participation and help, whether that is making a small gift or sharing the campaign with your friends and families. We have created 8 Miracles to choose from, ranging from 1 additional dollar per night of Chanukah up to $20 – which can total contributions to $36 over Chanukah or up to $740, depending on the miracle. What’s more, generous community members stepped up to be Miracle Multipliers, matching your donations to double the impact.

