Why Donate to the Chai Lifeline Canada’s Miracles for Life Toy Drive?
Every child and every circumstance is unique. Not every family has our story. Some, faced with medical bills, may not have the extra money to purchase toys. Parents busy with a child in the hospital have limited time and access to toy shopping. Their holidays are very different from ours. Rather than rejoicing in the miracle of Chanukah with their friends, seriously ill children and their families can feel isolated, sad and depressed, especially during the holidays. The months of COVID-19 have been especially difficult for those living with illness.
Chai Lifeline Canada is proud to be able to collect toys in order to help children facing every possible setback. Each toy donation will put a smile on a child’s face, encouraging their imagination and coping skills, decreasing their stress and helping them hope beyond their current circumstances.
Each toy donation you make creates great impact! A smile, a laugh, a conversation, a distraction. Help us shine some light this Chanukah with Miracles for Life.
You can put a toy in the hands of a child who will realize someone understands their circumstance and confirm that through your efforts, love is the true message of the holiday season. Give a child the validation they need to have fun and something to look forward to this season.’s
You can put a toy in the hands of a child who will realize someone understands their circumstance and confirm that through your efforts, love is the true message of the holiday season. While our holiday celebrations will look different this year, you give a child something to look forward to this season.
300A Wilson Ave.
Toronto, Ontario, M3H 1S8
Phone: 647.430.5933
Fax: 416.628.1597
4900 Jean Talon Ouest, #220 Montreal, Quebec H4P 1W9
Phone: 514.667.7041
1 (800) 556-6238
[email protected]
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At Chai Lifeline Canada we are passionately devoted to alleviating the burden of those facing medical challenge. From the moment of diagnosis, through the arduous months and years, in good times and bad, Canadian families have discovered that Chai Lifeline Canada is a friend for life.
Chai Lifeline Canada. Fighting Illness with Love.
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