Tag: case manager
Hope Lives Here…with Devori

Hope Lives Here…with Devori Devori Kadosh, a Chai Lifeline Canada case manager, has always had a passion for helping people, though she hasn’t always worked in a related field. When the opportunity to be a part of Chai Lifeline Montreal’s team came up, she decided to go for it since she had the desire and […]
Meet Chai’s Newest Case Manager, Yossi

Meet Chai’s Newest Case Manager, Yossi Listen HERE Chai Lifeline Canada offers a myriad of services and programs to children and families living with illness. Case management is one on one personal support by a trained professional who is there to offer support to families in all areas. We’re lucky to have a wonderful case […]
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month: Meet Oak

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month: Meet Oak September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. For Chai Lifeline Canada’s part in raising awareness, we will be sharing stories of the children with childhood cancer and their families that we support with programs, services and love. Meet Oak, his mother shares his childhood cancer story. Prefer To Listen? Click […]
Chai Blog: Mordy Rothman

What a night it was…Restoring Hope was an incredible evening! I’m still on a high after last Wednesday night’s gala event. As our largest fundraising event, it is a real opportunity for Chai Lifeline Canada showcase the work we do, and put its best face forward. This year, we made some substantial changes. First and […]
Chai Blog: Restoring Hope

Chai Lifeline Restores Hope. As I reflect on the essence of my work as a case manager at Chai Lifeline, I have begun to see myself as a flag-bearer of hope. Almost daily, I encounter families who have had life- altering illnesses threaten the positive way with which they have lived. The frightening prognoses, the […]