When someone special in your life dies a piece of you dies too. Losing Sy made me realize how precious life is, how it can be cut short and how we should appreciate life to the fullest. Sy Benlolo z’l’, my brother in law, died tragically at the age of 40. He has been gone for over 7 years. Even though his life was cut rather short, he lived his life doing what he loved most, being a musician. Sy was a kind soul. He always had a smile on his face; he always wanted to make people happy. Although he did not have children of his own, he adored them and played a positive role in many children’s lives.

Since his passing, my goal is to keep Sy’s memory alive. I found no better way to cherish his legacy than by organizing a charity event for Chai Lifeline, a charity I am proud and grateful to be involved with. I am comforted that his memory remains alive at Chai Lifeline’s Camp Simcha, thanks to all of you, his family, his friends, donors and supporters from our past two annual Spin for Chai events.

Together with my co-chairs Maureen Leshem Fooks and Albert Benudiz, please join me Sunday, June 2, 2019 at our third annual Spin for Chai at Spinco Uptown for an exhilarating, fast paced and high energy 45 minute ride taught by elite instructors. As a fitness enthusiast, I promise people of all ages and fitness levels can participate. Spinning doesn’t involve much experience or skill; it is a self controlled class as the spinner regulates the speed and/or resistance. You can push as hard or easy as you want!!!!

The Sy Benlolo z’l Spin for Chai is more than just a spinathon. It is about a community coming together to support families and restore happiness into their lives. May we continue to keep Sy’s legacy alive and help children in his beautiful memory.

With much love,


