This is the reality for our Chai Families with or without a pandemic.

These last weeks have brought unique calls to action all over the world. Over these past few days, we here in Canada, are upending our lives putting our health and safety first. At Chai Lifeline, this is our work every day as we support children and families whose lives are impacted by life-threatening or life-long […]

Technically speaking, he’s our newest volunteer

We’ve been working behind the scenes with a new volunteer to join our team of nearly 600 volunteers helping more than 2000 family members across Canada. A robot, specially programmed by an Ontario Tech University team at the Faculty of Business and IT to both entertain and educate sick kids. Our robot was unveiled at a special […]

Equine Therapy For Kids Affected By Illness

When a child is diagnosed with an illness, they face a host of challenges from the treatment protocol and the after-effects. Chai Lifeline Canada recognized these challenges and began to provide equine therapy to those children in need. The connection between a horse and its rider is a magical bond, inspiring mutual trust and shared […]

Small town teacher makes a big difference!

“I found Chai Lifeline while doing a Google search, looking for a group who would take my hair at less than 12 inches (I believe it ended up being that length in the end, but I wanted to be sure it would be accepted). I chose Chai because of this and the added benefit that […]

Why Is It So Important To Be A Chanukah Hero?

In our house, Chanukah is a very important time of year!  One in which our family always looks forward to celebrating together.  Every year before the holidays, we have our children make a Chanukah list of the things that they would like to get as presents.  The kids are usually very excited to tell us […]

Our executive director, Mordechai Rothman, is a winner!

We have some exciting news to share!! Mordechai Rothman, our Executive Director, WON The Urban Hero Awards Health Sector award!!!!!! This is an amazing accomplishment of our efforts as a team. Congratulations Mordy and the entire Chai Lifeline Canada team. Thank you to everyone who showed your support through votes and messages of encouragement.

What does it mean to be a Case Manager?

What does it mean to be a Case Manager? It means pushing past the impossible to find a way to make things happen. Here’s an example, we’ll call “Gabe’s Exciting Trip Home”: Gabe was at Camp Simcha in NY when his parents called to say a long-awaited surgery date had become available. Great news except…it […]

Des enfants dont les parents sont malades s’envolent vers Disney

We were Interviewed by CBC Radio about our Disney trip. “Un groupe d’enfants dont les parents sont malades sont partis de Toronto lundi midi pour un séjour de 4 jours à Disney World à Orlando. C’est l’organisme à but non lucratif Chai Lifeline qui a organisé le voyage.” “A group of children whose parents are sick […]

NEW job posting

NEW job posting for Family Events Coordinator at our Toronto office. Check Out Posting Here We are looking for a passionate individual who can’t wait to make a difference for our Chai families. Please share with all your networks!